How it all began...
My name, as you probably guessed, is Joshua. I have an addiction to both buying books and reading them. Over the years I have come to realize these are two completely separate hobbies, though they do overlap. I love organizing book clubs, book challenges, & book trivia events. During the pandemic, after being out of work for over a month, I decided to turn to the internet to talk about books. While I already had an Instagram account, I decided to download TikTok.
The first online Book Club & Trivia event was for The Inheritance Cycle. I Co-hosted it with Janelle on Instagram. As it turned out so well, I decided to create one for the Star Wars novels. I called it the 'Star Wars Canon Challenge'. What I was expecting to attract a few dozen people, attracted well over a thousand. Within one week more than 1,000 people from over 15 Countries & 45 States, joined the SWCC Discord.
That's really when I decided to be more active on BookTok account started to grow. My first bookish post was on May 16, 2020. From then until I posted about the SWCC, in December, I had gained roughly 400 followers. Within one day of posting about the Star Wars Challenge, my follower count more than tripled!
Since then I have grown to have over 30,000 followers and have made so many bookish friends. Both fellow readers, and authors. I have created multiple series on TikTok, including Booktails, Bookstore Tours, Amazon VS Bookstores, SciFi Sub Genres, and more!
I recently decided to expand my account to this website in hopes to have another place to talk and post about books, conventions, travels, and more!