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Arch-Conspirator Review

I feel like I should first mention that I had no idea this was a retelling until halfway through this book! Which is entirely my fault as I had 0 idea what this novel was about prior to picking it up. Veronica is an auto-buy author and I enjoy going into books blind, even if it does backfire on me from time to time. That being said here is my review;

This book had a lot of potential but unfortunately fell short for me. I think part of it was the size - If the author had made it a tad longer she could’ve expanded the story & made me care about the plot/characters more. I’m not at all saying I didn’t care about them - I do - I just didn’t care enough. I wasn’t as invested in the story as I should’ve been, especially for something politically heavy like this.

We have a lot of politics at play in a post apocalyptic setting where we aren’t told enough to have an understanding as to what is going on. It alludes to the world essentially coming to an end but not how. It speaks of the earth being radioactive, but not explained why. We know the main character’s Uncle took control of the kingdom as it were, but not given a backstory. There was not enough depth to everything going on. I think with an additional 75ish pages (or taking certain plots out) this book would’ve been fantastic!

I don’t regret reading this book but did not finish it happy that I did. If you’ve read this one I’d love to hear your thoughts! This was a 3/5 for me. - The lowest rating I haven a book by Veronica Roth.

Interested in reading this book for yourself? You can purchase it here.


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